We've all talked to this guy. Finally... a picture of him.

Title says it all
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We've all talked to this guy. Finally... a picture of him.

Post by bmh »


Mujibar was trying to get a job for Microsoft.

The Personnel Manager said,
'Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except one.
Unless you pass it, you cannot qualify for this job.'

Mujibar said, 'I am ready.'
The manager said,
'Make a sentence using the words
Yellow, Pink, and Green .'

Mujibar said,
'The telephone goes green, green,
And I pink it up, and say,
Yellow, this is Mujibaror or more likely David.'

Mujibar now works at a Microsoft call center.

No doubt you have spoken to him.
I know I have.

I die a lot!


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Re: We've all talked to this guy. Finally... a picture of hi

Post by Mongo »

I had a few calls to MS last week and was surprised to actually speak to an American. It made me happy that I didn't have to ask them what they said or have them repeat themselves 500 times.
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