Just a quick note to let you know that on short notice I have just backed up DODS and removed it from my PC.
With health on the improve, and work busy, I need a bit of a break to unclutter my life and manage my personal shit.
After playing here pretty hardcore at Blitz for 2+1/2 years (Yeah I know one of those years don't count cause I used the pussy newbscope sniper! LOL) I need some time away....Given how much I enjoy fraggin' here, I knew I was going to need to remove temptation to have some time to get things together.
I will also be handing over the batten re: forum administration and recruitment for my break.
Now I do NOT want ya'll to be strangers ya here! Eh ! I have left STEAM chat installed, you are all in my friends list and I will be stopping by Blitz forums to say hi and keep in touch. Please feel free to PM me anytime. I'll also welcome any email corresponence if you want to PM me for my email.
I have had a blast - and love my Blitz family....and hope to return in a few months time. Until then, take care.....Admin well, and remember me every time you play Normandie (and keep the seat warm).
l8r for now/