Should Blitz Expand?

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Should we create a Battlefield: Bad Company 2 server?

Yes, Blitz should expand into BC2
No, Blitz is DoD:S
We should expand, but into another game
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Should Blitz Expand?

Post by DeUltimaPunisher »

The subject was recently brought to my attention that DoD:S as a game is slowly dieing, and that Blitz should start thinking of expanding into other games, if it we wish to continue far into the future. After considering the fact that my own DoD:S game play time has been sucked up by COD:MW2 got me thinking this might actually be a good idea.

I would want to keep us a first person shooter based clan, so if we did start expanding, we should keep it in that realm. Right now the two hottest FPS games out are COD:MW2 & Battlefield: Bad Company 2. As MW2 has no dedicated servers, the most we could do is create a MW2 wing of the clan, and in fact I think that's a great idea as it would cost nothing extra, except some of my time to make it happen.

As for BC2, they do allow for Dedicated servers and we could with the proper financing from our members rent a 32 player server from NFO on their Seattle premium (Same location as our current server). This would cost us just under $100/month (less if we pay for 6 months at a time), but if there is enough interest and commitment to financing we could easily make it happen.

So what do you guys think?
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by Strider »

So how many times can I vote no ?????? :P
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by CMDRRABB »

I haven't played BC 2 yet, and wouldn't mind playing this also if it was as popular as DoD.

I came from another server, about 3 years ago. We played a BF42 DCF mod and had about 800 + registered players, it was a 64 player slot server. Acutally only about 1/3 played regularly. When BF 2 came out we lost alot of players due to 1. upgrades 2. lack of intrest and 3. lack of people playing DCF (they found other servers). Our Admin's also added the CS:source, Team Fortress 2 and even Left 4 Dead, last year, to our server for those to play. They never did add BF 2 to it. There was alot of talk about the code and game engines stuff, which I never got into, but understood some games were easy to modify and some were not. Whatever.

Point being they never did find a happy medium for the players. They went from one to another(game) and currently have a BC 2 server running and a Arma II. I have read the posts on the forum and it did have some issues. However, they also talk about the infinity engine and the "cough" upgrades again.

I like playing DoD and yes it does get boring sometimes, but I've always had a bug to play FPS's. So, if a good game comes out, and everyone doesn't have to, or can afford to upgrade soon, and we don't lose a lot of good (and Bad) players, I'm cool with it.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by Frostbite »

I say no. DoD has been around for years, and while it may not be drawing as many new players, it is still pretty popular. I don't think we have to worry about dieing any time soon.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by Charizard »

I would say yes ONLY if we had such a huge player base to make such a thing possible. As is it seems most of us are pretty content with this wonderful classic we know as DoD and we always have a pretty decent number running in-game constantly. I have seen this work many times as they had hundreds, if not thousands of members to allow them to branch into other games. Goonies (if anyone recognizes them) is a pretty big one that comes to mind. By that point however, they had enough players to go into multiple games and platforms, covering FPS to RTS' to MMOs. As the others have said, we're still going strong with 32/32 at peak hours and generally ~20+ in 'off-hours'.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?


Ssteven and I play BC2 with his name and the tag BLITZ any how so .. we already are :P
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by Zooks24 »

YEs and NO, the game is alwayse great to comeb back to when im bored with the new shit i been playing. knowing im always gonna have you whores to come back to and shoot the shit with and always be entertained.
at the same time if that one right game comes out i would say yes. but only that one right game. and so far i havent seen anything worth wile yet. but if it did. im sure i would play that and of course here and there always jump back to playing DoDs. as i could find blitz members on each server Dods and the new game i wouldnt mind it.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by grimmy »

I'm going to have to vote NO also. I know dod gets a little boring sometimes but maybe with a good rotation of new maps and maybe some scrimmaging it will LIVE FOREVER> :violin:
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by bubbles »

one of the main aspects of blitz that i have come to know and love is the sense of community. most of the time i play is not to play dod, but to shoot the shit with all you fellow whores.
the in game conversations and background chatter is practically the equivalent of a virtual pub where we can all just hang out, talk, and play. hell, half the time we're all drinking anyways :obscene-drinkingdrunk:
my main concern with expanding blitz into other games is a point that has been brought up already: that members will eventually start to branch out into the other games and the sense of community within dod itself will slowly disappear. sure, we will still have the forums to maintain that aspect, but it's not the same as hearing the streams of profanity that you hear right after fragging someone or laughing after someone rage quits :lol:
while dod may be an older game, it's a staple that i've come to rely on whether it be to blow off some steam, actually game, or just shoot the shit with you guys. regardless of the reason tho, i always know that i'm gonna have a good time, not because of the game, but because of the people, and that's something that i'd hate to see go away. :romance-grouphug:
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by PikaWho? »

I vote NO as well. I understand that DOD is an old game and that our server is not as popular as it use to be, yet we still have a strong base of regular players. I'm more of a console player ;) so this is really the only game I play on the PC, but I enjoy it not for the game as much as for the awesome whores in game.

The one thing that I would encourage to our admins is lay off the ban button a little. I get that we don't want annoying and pussy players. However, sometimes a friendlier environment and nicer approach towards new player can work wonders and help expand or maintain our server popularity (especially with an old game like this that's competing with MW2 and BC2).

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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by bavarianmonkey »

I plan to only play DoD until it dies off. I don't plan to get into another FPS game but if Blitz were to expand, I don't see any issue - as long as there's enough support (atleast have more than a dozen members in another game, etc...).
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by skull[jp] »

Don't go to the BC2 path yet coz they are still patching up the servers and gameplay. No built-in VOIP working either. MW2 Blitz clan is viable as we all have to do is attach the tag and form a group and invite.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by Rediseal »

Just my thoughts . . . .

Yes MW2 and BC2 are new and popular, but after while I think most people will come back to dod or other older fps to play. Due to most of the people dont want to upgrade ther pc's to play other then the ps3 and xbox360 users. I have played both and I find my self playing dod most of the time. I have a decent computer but I perfer to run my games maxed out and I have a hard time keeping frames up with the games.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by Sgt_Rock »

I like BFBC2 but... I have now gotten all the upgrades and it's a little, well not as fun anymore. I would be fun to play with everyone but without VOIP nowhere near as good as DOD. It might be a better alternative to have a thread or post the best servers or where we play.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?


I am here. He swims in the river. They live in the mountains.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by atb FREETARD »

when i look at my friends list i see more blitz members playing l4d/cod/bc2 then dod.

i dont see how it could be a bad thing to have a server there too. only $100more. and a bunch more people in the other games that can make donations too. i cant see it taking away from blitz_dod, only adding to it.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by DeUltimaPunisher »

Well it looks like we are not ready to make such a move just yet. I will be keeping the MW2 forum open, and I invite all MW2 players to make an effort to play together and represent as a clan. I know we have a couple members who only play MW2, so the expansion in the direction has already happened, might as well keep the door open, as it won't cost the server a thing.

Thanks for your input everyone.
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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by Kriegs<>Schwein »

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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by PvtTuscany »

I vote no and DITTO what Bubbles said - what makes this server and clan great is the community! I probably can't play the new games cause I'm driving a slow ass machine with low graphics card. That said, I love new games yet still find hanging out with zooks, gonzo, bulldog, bubbles, monkey, pika, rabb, schultz, grimmy, strider, cougar bait, and the rest of the hysterical crew here at BKW. I get the best laugh out of the antics, drinking, silliness (Schultz going into OMG mode when he hates the map, admins lighting members on fire and slapping up, etc.), and general good times on this server.

If you open it up, will you dilute the fun factor? Miss seeing nOevil hanging out on MM2 yet that is cool.

Well said bubbles!

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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by TheMadHatter »

I don't see a problem with expanding our community into different games. Think about how many cool people we've met on our server. That's just one game.

Just make sure they are recruited to the same standards as we were. Year or so on the server with a mic. Plus more people could mean more people to pay the bills.

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Re: Should Blitz Expand?

Post by Sarge »

ok, being that i've only been a member in the clan for a few months now, i don't quite feel like my opinion should be weighed in a vote. but either way, here's my opinion:

if DoD2 comes out, i think we should definitely try moving to that.....BUT STILL have the main emphasis on the DoD:s server until it dies, if that'll happen since this server has been 32/32 or very close to it, almost all day, all week for a long time.

though recently i've seen the server being empty during the early hours of the day. not sure why, could be more players switching to BC2, MW2. if that's true, what's going to happen when SC2 is released, and Diablo3 are released, or any other big game in the future?

this is why, recently i've been thinking we should at least keep an open mind to expanding into other games, just don't stray for DoD:S anytime soon...

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