Rules Are Rules

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Rules Are Rules

Post by Kriegs<>Schwein »

Last edited by Kriegs<>Schwein on Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rules Are Rules


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Re: Rules Are Rules

Post by bavarianmonkey »

It's done at the descretion of the admin. Some admins give multiple warnings, some only give 1.

I like to see why he/she is shooting out first (someone might be shooting at him/her) or perhaps they just logged on (0 kills, 0 deaths) and they're not aware of the rules.

Those times I give multiple warnings.

People who I've warned multiple times before, will get kicked or banned.

Regulars who play all the time and know the rules will generally get a kick without warning or an autoban of 30 mins by me. (though I usually DO say something before they're banned since technically, we're suppose to warn all the time)
So stehen wir im Kampf allein
Durch Blut geschweißt sind unsre Reih'n.
Den Blick nach vorn, die Faust geballt!
Die Straße dann von unserm Schritt erschallt.

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Re: Rules Are Rules

Post by Strider »

I find a good healthy fire fans the flame of motivation to desist ;)
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Re: Rules Are Rules

Post by PvtTuscany »

I like what Strider said about using fire to get their attention. One of the things I greatly appreciated about BKW was watching how tactfully and skillfully Monkee handles his admin role. Thanks Monkee for walking that fine line of warn/ban.

two thumbs up for the "fire" method to get their attention!
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