I'm back...again - well sort of :)

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I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Strider »

Hi all,

Appreciate all the well wishes. Just got back from 10 days in hospital today - following my small bowel re-section for Crohn's disease.

Apparently was the right thing to do as what they cut out (about a foot long section) was pretty horrible.

Now just managing a slow recovery over the next 3-4 weeks at home for wound management etc. I look like Fredyy Kreuger has gutted me from lower pelvis to chest pretty much LOL

Look forward to fraggin' here in a few days....just changing over ISP's and getting more speed/quota. So catch you all soon whores :D


PS the Cali BkW meetup looked great (very jealous) !
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by semtex »

glad to hear all went well
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Crypt-keeper »

Good to hear you are ok Strider! :dance: So out of curiosity, as I know virtually nothing about Chrons Disease, will this surgery help with the Chrons or were they just taking out a section that had been affected by it and it will still reek havoc on you? Keeper and I are both really glad your surgery went well and we hope you have a speedy recovery! :mrgreen:
Last edited by Crypt-keeper on Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by bmh »

Welcome back! Glad to see that everything went well.

I die a lot!


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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by PikaWho? »

Welcome back Strider! Glad everything went well for you and hope you have a speedy recovery :) .
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Strider »

Crypt-keeper wrote:....So out of curiosity, as I know virtually nothing about Chrons Disease, will this surgery help with the Chrons or were they just taking out a section that had been affected by it and it will still reek havoc on you?
Cheers Crypt (and Mr's Crypt) :)

Last time I had a similar operation, I was about 23 - and got maybe 12-13 years of minimal symptoms of my Crohn's. My disease's major manifestation is in the occurrence of the disease around the join of my small/large bowel. So it took 12 years for the rejoined clean sections of bowel from last time, to become a write-off again. I can manage with no large bowel, but the operation I just went through can only be done X times again cause then I would run out of small bowel and need a Colostomy Bag.

I have other symptoms/issues with my Crohn's as well - and I'm waiting to see how many of these will improve due to the operation. The key thing is my bowel was so strictured and destroyed where they cut it out, the only way I could digest anything was to have it 100% liquefy!!!! :shock:

So, hopefully an extended period of minimal symptoms will now replace the constant flare-up state of my disease which required constant sterioids (with mood swings, weight gain etc) which I'm happy to be free of...

Well that's a small window into the life of a Crohn's Disease sufferer (I have spared you the yucky details LOL) ;)

Thanks for asking....

PS - there is no cure for Crohn's - so it's a day-by-day (or flare-up by flare-up) proposition.
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by CMDRRABB »

Good Bush Meds....

Northern black wattle (Acacia auriculiformis)
Beach bean (Canavilia rosea)
Rock fuchsia bush (Eremophila freelingii)
Beaty leaf (Calophyllum inophullum)

All the above are pretty good for pain Strider, screw them doc's nothing like a good Aborigine medicine man. :flags-australia:

Glad your back. :D
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Frostbite »

welcome back and glad to hear everything went well!!
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Charizard »

You should have asked em to put the piece in a jar so you could proudly display it above the fireplace or something haha
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Strider »

LOL thanks :) Not sure about the bush medications!

Nah apparently waht they removed was pretty nasty - and it gets sent off for biopsies/analysis etc...

Feeling OK at home though - and I'm nearly up to 15 pounds weight loss as I recover and go cold turkey on no more sodas (addicted to Coca Cola!)....

Just another week or so to sort some shit then I'll be back in fraggin'

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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by CMDRRABB »

Just curious Strider. You said you drink Coke. I read somewhere that Australia was charging $2.49 a can (12 0z) for Dr. Pepper. Is Coke the same price down there or a little cheaper. I think it was USA Foods was charging like $26.00 dollars for the freight on a 12pk/case. If that's the case you should open up a factory down there and retire.
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by PvtTuscany »

Wishing you a speedy recovery mate! Day at a time, take it easy.
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Strider »


Dr. Pepper never really took off here. Coca-Cola Amatil (parent company) launched it here maybe 10-15 years ago - but it never took off. Haven't seen a can on the shelf in years.

As for Coke, prices are as follows:

Price in Shop Price in Supermarket
Can (375ml or 12.7oz) ~$2 (Bulk 24+ not chilled) = ~55c
Bottle (600ml/20.3oz) ~$3.50 ~$3.50

Bottle (1.5lt/50.8oz) ~$3.75 ~$2.95 (not chilled off shelf)
Bottle (2lt/67.7oz) ~$4.50 ~$3.75 (not chilled off shelf)

Supermarkets charge pretty much regular shop prices when chilled, and discounted cheaper rates when in bulk or off the shelf not chilled.

Not sure how that compares to US....

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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Strider »

Well latest update is that the wound has not healed like they had hoped to date (has minor infection since hospital). They will make a call tomorrow if I go back to hospital for X days to have the wound re-opened, washed and drips/antibiotic treatment :(
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Sarge »

hope everything goes well tomorrow strider! want to see you back on the server, so i can keep kickin your ass :P although i might let you get a few kills in to help you get back into the groove of things, lol !

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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Strider »

Ah well, another couple of days in hopsital (the wound is infected). Back home again now.... Lost nearly 20lbs now in less than 3 weeks !

On two lots of antibiotics, so hopefully that helps keep everything at bay.

Hopefully back in game in 3-4 days :)
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Crypt-keeper »

Keeper: Oh I'm so sorry strider, I hope you're not in any mass amounts of pain. I hope the infection clears up as soon as possible. I miss playing with you. Get well soon!!
<3 Keeper
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by BkW // ZtluhcS =HH= »

Crypt-keeper wrote:Keeper: Oh I'm so sorry strider, I hope you're not in any mass amounts of pain. I hope the infection clears up as soon as possible. I miss playing with you. Get well soon!!
<3 Keeper

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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by gutz50 »

dit-o get well ......miss you big time bro!
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Re: I'm back...again - well sort of :)

Post by Strider »

Thanks guys (and gal) :) Really pissed that I couldn't catch up with you all in Portland!!!!

I'm OK though - no real pain thankfully. Cause I'm carrying some "excess weight" around my middle, thats's created a nice little environment b/w the skin and fat where an infection can live. But it is literally eating awaya the fat ! LOL what a weight loss method hahahaha

As long as it doesn't get worse - I'm OK. If it gets worse, or I progress to having a fever etc, they would have to open the wound up again - then it would take as much as 2 months for the wound to heal ! :( BUT I'm not in that space yet thankfully!!!!

My target weight is to get back to around 95kg (~210lbs) which for my 6'3" height would have me back in and average weight. I'm almost half way there now !!!

As soon as I get this Damn ISP changed over on ~Tuesday - I will be able to get back in and play some DODS and say hi :) :dance: :dance: :dance:

Appreciate all your well wishes :auto-ambulance: :banana-jumprope: :flags-australia: :handgestures-fingerscrossed: :happy-wavemulticolor: :romance-grouphug: :sci-fi-beamup: :text-thankyouyellow: :violence-guntoting:
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