Hippie Killer : I want to join if you'll let me

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Hippie Killer
Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:58 am

Hippie Killer : I want to join if you'll let me

Post by Hippie Killer »

Player name: Hippie_Killer
Age: 35
What time of the day do you normally play? :
Usually from 5 pm till 3am or so pacific time zone
Why you want to join:
Because I love the server, have a hell of a good time on it, I may not kill the most but it happens to be my favorite place to die. Plus the whores I have played with have been really decent people, and they don't put up with the crap other servers let people get away with.
Games you play: Combat arms, Band of Brothers, All the Halo's, Team Fortress 1 &2, Fear, DOD of course, Half life series, Unreal, Counter strike, Medal of honor, Modern War, Man I could keep this up all day.

So I hope this is correct this time. If not I will be more than happy to keep doing it till I get it right.
Posts: 1589
Joined: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:17 pm
Location: Tacoma, WA

Re: Hippie Killer : I want to join if you'll let me

Post by Mongo »

:handgestures-thumbdown: Thanks for the application. I am sorry to inform you that you do not meet the one or more of the minimum requirements of Whoredum. That or we just don't want you as a whore as of yet :cry:
Please re apply after you are well known by admins and other players. And remember to use your mic so we can get to know you more.