Super Leet Waffle Maker app.

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Super Leet Waffle Maker app.

Post by wafflemaker »

Player name: Super Leet Waffle Maker
Age: 23
What time of the day do you normally play? (specific if possible, including timezones):

I play usually on Monday - Wednesday 9p.m to 2a.m. / Thursday - Sunday around 12a.m. to 4a.m.

Occasionally I will play in the afternoon hours but its only when I am free from chores and stuff.

Why you want to join: I have played in this server before, however due to school reasons I had to take a short break of games which forced me to stop playing DOD altogether. Now that I have more spare time in my hands, I came back to the server recently and started playing with you guys again. I enjoy my time in the server and also with the players. I wish to join the community and wear the "Blitz" tag to represent and also to be more involve with the community.

Games you play: Battlefield BC2, CS:S and DOD:S. I have COD:MW2 but I don't really touch it anymore.

P.S. - Thank you for considering my application and also taking your time to look at my application

-Leet Waffle Maker
(Lets make waffles, not love)
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Re: Super Leet Waffle Maker app.

Post by nOeViL »

Waffle maker is fun to play against, but I can't recall him ever using a mic...

Is it just me?

Other than that he would have my vote.
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Re: Super Leet Waffle Maker app.

Post by wafflemaker »

I do have a working mic, its just that sometimes my house has guests and they are either too loud or sleeping thats why I refrain from using it sometimes. Though i wish i have a better mic.

-Leet Waffle Maker (Joe)
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Re: Super Leet Waffle Maker app.

Post by hypra »

Thank you;

At this time i cannot accept your application. Please be patient with our recruitment system. Turning you away doesn't mean we don't want you. We have several parameters that you must meet before you are eligible.

Please use your mic and remain social on the server. Understand our rules and follow them at all times. Get to know the server and its community. Donations aren't necessary but it would show you are dedicated. Over time we can soundly judge your application depending on your personality and skills. The next time you apply; find a member to sponsor you to become a member.

We appreciate that you think of us so highly that you would want to be part of our team.

please re-apply in 6+ months,
thank you
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Re: Super Leet Waffle Maker app.

Post by wafflemaker »

Thank you for considering my application. I am definitely not thinking that I am unwelcome here since I have a perfectly fine experience as it is now. I will definitely try to donate if possible but since I don't really know how to set it up so that my internet banking will be able to transfer funds to my paypal account, if anyone can help me that would be great, since getting a reserve slot does sound like a really good idea.

I will try application at a later date then.

Again, thanks for looking into it.

-Leet Waffle Maker (Joe)
(Make waffles, not love)
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Re: Super Leet Waffle Maker app.

Post by Stealth Albino »

Waffles has been around as long as I've been here. Cool guy, good sport from what I've been able to tell. Motherfucker keeps talking about waffles though, makes me hungry, and always fails to carry through on the making of waffles (I want chocolate chips and whipped cream, motherfucker). Talk some shit on the mic, make Weird Al Yankovic's "Waffle King" your theme song, make all the Whores some waffles, and you'll have my vote bro.

Come to think of it, I think we should start putting in our orders now so Waffles can get on making them. I suggest flaming poo as a topping for BavarianMonkey. :lol:

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Re: Super Leet Waffle Maker app.

Post by grimmy »

Ya waffle seems cool. Just give it some time and use mic
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Re: Super Leet Waffle Maker app.


nOeViL wrote:Waffle maker is fun to play against, but I can't recall him ever using a mic...

Is it just me?

Other than that he would have my vote.
I agree! No Vote till Mic use is in play..