
Recruitment app and discussion
Forum rules
If you wish to apply for Blitz membership, first read the Recruitment Application Requirments topic.
Then create a new topic with the required information.
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Post by Triggerhappycanadian »

Hey, It's BOB:Trigger happy canadian
I'm 24y/o from Kelowna BC Canada.
I usually play during the morning hours before noon and sometimes late at night. PST

I have been playing on this server for a long time now and love it. There are no other servers that i can find with people that I either get along with or enjoy playing against. Great sportsmanship is key to a successful server and i believe that is why people keep coming back. I want to join this group and be more of a part of this gaming community.

I usually only play DOD, but as well CS, SC2, and WOW. I don't know how many of these game you are all associated with but if it's more then just DOD that's awesome.

Thank you for your consideration

Tom Lauterbacher
PS: My mic will be online soon as i figure out how to use it :P
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Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:25 am

Re: Application

Post by Triggerhappycanadian »

I have played a lot longer on this server then just 6 months. i just recently picked it back up after a couple weeks offline as i just finished a move and didn't have my internet setup yet :(
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Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:25 am

Re: Application

Post by Triggerhappycanadian »

My name online is BOB:Trigger Happy Canadian

so maybe that's why you don't remember me or haven't seen me. You might just remember it differently.
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Re: Application

Post by Crypt-keeper »

I remember you but it has been awhile since you where last on. I'd give it a few weeks or so that way the admins can become more familiar with you. Use your mic as well if you are not.
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Re: Application

Post by hypra »

Thank you;

At this time i cannot accept your application. Please be patient with our recruitment system. Turning you away doesn't mean we don't want you. We have several parameters that you must meet before you are eligible.

Please use your mic and remain social on the server. Understand our rules and follow them at all times. Get to know the server and its community. Donations aren't necessary but it would show you are dedicated. Over time we can soundly judge your application depending on your personality and skills.

We appreciate that you think of us so highly that you would want to be part of our team.

please re-apply in 6+ months