I'm not a beer person

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I'm not a beer person

Post by Dracunos »

I feel left out. I tend to not like beer. I can drink one, maybe two at a party but it gets pretty old pretty fast and I can't stomach much more. I've always been kinda grossed out by it since I was very young. Plus being drunk ain't all it's cracked up to be for me.

But! Some imported beers I do really like. Good flavor and nice for just chilling at home. Blue Moon, for example, tastes so freaking smooth and good and wheaty.. It lacks most of the sour beer/hoppy taste, and completely lacks that aftertaste that makes me sick of beer after one or two of them. Any of you beer lovers know why it is that I like this beer despite my anti-beer agenda? And more importantly.. Do you know of any other beers or styles of beer that I might enjoy similar to Blue Moon?

And we all already know I love bitch beer like Zema and Smirnoff, so besides that.
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Roflcopter »

Beer is one of those things that just gets better the more you drink. hell, light beers and american style pilsners ( bud, mgd, pbr etc) tastes like water to me now.. delicious intoxicating water. you have things like pale ales or IPAs and stouts... next thing you know beer tastes like something completley different. If you dont like the taste of beer... try a stout like guiness. its a totally different experience. its a bit thicker and tastes like coffee or chocolate to some people. its sweet and nutty instead of bitter.

here is a rundown to give you a very basic flavor profile:
lager or pilsner: looks like pee, tastes like... pee MGD Bud PBR some imported or micro brew stuff tastes really different but it always light and crisp. very filtered.

hefeweizen: german for wheat beer. accused of being skunky to some... not very bitter at all. sweeter beer. ususally cloudy and unfiltered

pale ale: darker than the previous ones, but light on malt (sugar) and a bit more tart. higher alcohol content.

IPA (india pale ale): Tart and kickin motherfucker. This is stuff that will get you nice and drunk fast. its also very tart.. it has lots of hops (which makes the tart flavor) and since more of the malt has been converted to alcohol, its not very sweet at all. hardest to drink if you dont like beer. Its the beer drinkers beer IMHO

reds: like light brown ale... see next entry

brown ale/ belgian ale: sweet beer. higher alcohol content. not as hoppy. its dark beause the grain has been toasted and malted a bit longer. this creates alot of sugar to be converted into alcohol. it also leaves alot of sugar behind to give that sweet flavor. not very hoppy. just a few floral hints depending on the brand.

porters: see stouts. lighter in body, but just as exciting.

Stouts: Get a spoon. thick. delicious. VERY FILLING. Guiness is the wildy known stout. made from dark and filling grains like oatmeal as opposed to the barley or wheat of other lighter beers. it has a creamy head and is sweet and minimally tart, if tart at all.

or just mix some vodka and orange juica and call it a day.
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Dracunos »

Cool. I was more expecting beer insults and personal attacks, but actually being helpful works too! :D

I have tried Guiness and it is very different. It's extremely delicious, but there's another strong background/aftertaste flavor in it that I need to get past. And it tastes like magic with baileys, of course. :p

BM is a Belgian ale, which makes sense. I've tried another brown that was similar, but a bit stronger in the hops I'm assuming, because it seems as though that's the part I dislike. So I should keep my eyes open for red and brown ales, and maybe try a porter sometime! :dance: Not sure about Hefeweizen.

And yes, the taste of the pilsnery and pissy beers is actually getting easier to stomach as I drink them. Still prefer bud though. :obscene-smokingsombrero:
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Mongo »

Yeah i know a lot of women who don't like beer.
When your taste buds mature you will start to like it.
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Dracunos »

Hrm.. Well I DO have a vagina. His name is Battle Tuna for obvious reasons. I usually don't let him out from under my balls but I heard you guys had a run in with him. :D
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Doeshk »


Get some Tekila, Limones and Salt :D

Carne Asada, Salsa afew compadres and whores y listo


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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by grimmy »

ORALE !!!!! :obscene-drinkingdrunk:
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Shakira »

Mongo wrote:Yeah i know a lot of women who don't like beer.
Exactly, Drink more beer better for you then all that harder stuff ;) or you can drink wine alot of it only good wine though not that crappy box shit

But hey just an opinion
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Liveandletdie »

I am a Beer Person and I have the Beer Body to prove it.!!!
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by BkW // ZtluhcS =HH= »

I am a beer person IPA and PBR are my choice with sometimes a micky's big mouth, or Jamisons wiskey, Vodka or recently tequila has been my drink of choice. Beer is good real good. Although I have not been drinking of late, cause its not fun getting hammered and not talking shit to all of you while playing the game....... :twisted:
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by -REC »

Have you had your blue moon with a sliced orange in it? Very good.

Also, you might like a Hefeweizen. Widmer makes a really good one, drink that with Lemon.
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Liveandletdie »

Why not try a "Little umbrella too", WTF? Beer is Beer, no additives, it's not salad. :)
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Dracunos »

So far I've found I also love Newcastle. I still haven't tried a red. They seem kinda hard to come by 'round here. I'll have to try one of those 'World Market's.

I kinda shun the added stuff to beers as well, except for a slice of lime in a corona :p Buuut beer is kinda complex at the same time. I noticed a huge difference simply sipping from a cup compared to drinking from the bottle. The froth seems to kill some of the bitterness or something? So in light of that I may want to see how other seemingly superfluous things affect the flavor. That's right, superfluous.

schultz, it's funny 'cause the first time I got a little buzzed in months I suddenly had the urge to go on the blitz server :p If you don't care about tasting alcohol and just want to get fucked up I've never seen anyone go down faster than jello shots :p Too bad they are so damned expensive most places!
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by ZERO604 »

WOW i just read the breakdown of american beers what a waste of my time lol. only the specilty micro brews or imported beers are really worth being critiqued on the flavor. bud or any of that other shit is just to be a cheap ass drunk lol
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by DeUltimaPunisher »

I'm totally a beer person, love it and can't get enough of it. Just come in at 4am and you too can experience one beered up Punisher...

I love beer so much and due to some late night chats with HippiKiller. I've now decided to try my hand at brewing my own beer at home. While I wait for my equipment to arrive in the mail, I've been trying all the local microbreweries to figure out exactly what kind of beer I like and collecting pry-off style bottles for my future brew. I was just buying the cheapest shit I could get my hands on, but OMG have I been missing out: Zero is so right, the micro-brews are just a whole other world for flavor. After trying most of the local stuff, I've settled on Whistler Brewing Company. These guys make my three favorite beers of all time:


I suggest anyone that has access to it, pick up one of their mixer packs. Trust me you will not be sorry, not a bad beer in the box. Fucking awesome shit!


Oh ya, if you live in the Vancouver area, save the bottles for me ;)
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Re: I'm not a beer person

Post by Rediseal »

If you can find it I found Widmer prickly pear braggot to be my favorite at this moment. I'm always changing.
Rouge Hazelnut Brown Nectar is another one.
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