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Great Server

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:59 pm
by Zwolf
Hey, I've playing on your server for a while, off and on since June or something. It's my favorite for sure. I've gone by the names VIVIsectVI and Jambi, some people refer to me as Fucking Douchebag. Now it's Zwolf, we'll see how long this one lasts.

Re: Great Server

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:18 am
by NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ®
Hey Z thank you for choosing to play on our server man and thank you for ze good words! :ugeek: We're all stand up people here on Blitz and like to keep a fun easygoing environment for everyone looking to unwind after a long day or WHENEVER! You're welcome back anytime amigo oh and MAKE SURE YA SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT US!!! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! INVITE YOUR MAILMAN!.......HELL INVITE THAT PIMP WHO PEDDLES HIS DIRTY WARES ON THE CORNER OF YOUR STREET LATE AT NIGHT EVEN! Bring em in n we'll welcome em! hehe so long as they play by our server rules that is ;) Have fun dude n see you ingame some time.

Re: Great Server

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:07 am
by Zwolf
Thanks for the reply. My mailman is weird, he ignores me when I talk to him. The pimp just gives me a crazy look when I ask him about video games, but I tried. Anyway, yeah the Blitz server is awesome, huge stock of maps, and you guys are always entertaining. Alright, see you guys in DoD, and maybe i'll say hi if Crazy Bulgarian ever stops talking for two seconds. :D

By the way, I applaud you guys for discouraging not only racist and sexist chat, but homophobic as well. Sadly, I have never seen another game server of any kind that equates homophobia with racism and sexism, let alone enforces a policy against it. Cheers to you BKWs. :clap:

Re: Great Server

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:05 pm
by Frostbite
hey zwolf! Welcome to the server! We're glad that you enjoy playing here as it is our pride and joy and we love providing our mindset to the rest of the gaming world. As Fisty said (even though we kinda treat him like a beaten stepchild) all are welcome as long as they abide by our rules! So see ya in game and happy fraggin!

Re: Great Server

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:39 pm


Re: Great Server

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:03 pm
by BkW // ZtluhcS =HH=
welcome dude

PS i miss the mindset lol

Re: Great Server

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:42 am
by Dracunos
Although I don't play quite as often as you guys, and I take year long breaks occasionally, I completely agree. I would have never touched Day of Defeat again most likely if it wasn't for this server.

And I don't mind the anti discrimination rules at all, especially since it keeps a lot of the little annoying brats out. Only the way some people go.. GAAASP!! when some new player does it.. rofl.. Some people get so freaking dramatic over it! Part of me understands, but I would haaate to let a word have that kind of power over me. (No offense intended, I barely ever even swear, since I don't see the purpose)

In retrospect the actual admins usually do just strait up tell them; you can't say that here or you get banned because that's the rule here. And I really like that. That's how I would enforce it personally. I guess I'm just convinced that 90% of the people in America only pretend to get offended because it gives them power. I personally would hate to care what all the assholes on this planet think about me. That rant has very little to do with this server, though. :p

Don't change anything about this server. Maybe start another one! :O. I bet it would fill up just as much. It's the kind of server that is so sadly lacking in all the new multiplayer games out there. Some are great fun.. For a month.. But they are so lacking in heart. They just get played and wait until the next big new game takes over all their players. Something about Blitz just makes it a whole different experience.

And those fun marijuana discussions don't hurt. :)

Re: Great Server

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:54 pm
by Roflcopter
This server is the only one I play on anymore. I took a long break for crappy internet reasons.

Who needs Black Ops or Bad Company 2 when you have Blitz?

Re: Great Server

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:31 pm
by Mongo
I think battle tuna would have to disagree with all of you LOL

Re: Great Server

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:24 pm
by Kail
I have to agree I used to play dod:s a long time ago and just recently picked it back up again and back way way when, in some OGL scrims I would hear people talk about your server and I remembered to this day. So I came to your server and its the only one I like to play on nowa days good job with the server! :)

Re: Great Server

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:25 am
by bobo-claus
Kail wrote:I have to agree I used to play dod:s a long time ago and just recently picked it back up again and back way way when, in some OGL scrims I would hear people talk about your server and I remembered to this day. So I came to your server and its the only one I like to play on nowa days good job with the server! :)

You keep up this ass kissing and you'll be a WHORE before you know it. Good job! :clap: