Wait... What? :p

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Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

lol Whats up boys and girls... So just a little explanation of myself;
I'm 24 years old, married, and father of one boy. I reside in Oregon where I'm actively part of the US Oregon Army National Guard. Was deployed 09-10. Fun shit. I love the blitz server and it is the pretty much only server I play in (Unless its full which I'm considering contributing to prevent that).

1) {BA} Enigma -LoL- (Both the BA and the LoL are a "FUN" clan that some friends and I come up with. It isn't a clan and in no way do I owe allegiance to anyone else lol.
2) 24... AND AWESOME... LOL
3) I play usually at 9:00 pm - about 2:00 am, but will play throughout the day depending on work and dealing with my son and his friends... All Pacific time.
4) Lol, So I've only played in Blitz for EVER... Whether or not the members remember me or not. Only Recently (Because of Coupon... Yeah... lol) I have started to play more and more. I love the maturity of the Blitz DoD server, even on it's "Immature," days lol... Always fun, Always a good time... No matter who is on, No matter who will keep playing.
5) Games I play... Hmmm: DoD, CSS, Crysis, FEAR 2, AI War: Fleet Command, L4D1, L4D2, Phantasy Star Online, Star Craft Broodwar, Heroes 3 Shadow of Death, EV Nova (YEAH!!!LOL), WIN BOLO (YEAH!!!LOL), Quake 3, Quake 3/Bid For Power... I play Hella games lol... But a good 95% of my game time consists of DoD... Which is all Blitz server mostly... Lol

Sponsor: Frosty ¦ вlϊтz

Side Note: I know I had one rule infraction earlier today... Which was completely not "ME" and especially on the server. I apologized for what happened immediately. I Also helped enforce the rules of the server later on... In which just so happen to be the same that I had broken.

Side Side Note: I was really drunk last night/this morning when I wrote this so if there are any discrepancies or otherwise dumb shit throughout this I apologize lol
Last edited by Enigma on Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Frostbite »

Enigma is a pretty legit guy. Helps out with the admins and is always around using his mic and everything. All around good whore material. I've never sponsored anyone, but he has my sponsorhip and approval. :handgestures-thumbupleft:
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by hypra »

yea, but has he ever seen a grown man naked?
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

lol I've seen many grown men naked... I'm in the military... Community showers and such prior to deployment and through parts of deployment... Yeah not very fun but it happens frequently. lol Hypra. The question now is, have YOU seen a grown man naked? lol :P
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Crypt-keeper »

Hypra loves the naked men Enigma. Everyone knows that... its like asking if you like air, its undeniable. I vote to instill whoredum upon this fucker. Anyone that gives Hypra shit is A-OK in my book. :mrgreen: And where the fuck is my computer Hypra I'm getting tired of waiting around for this shit to show up. Just cause you have a girlfriend now thats "allegedly" 21, doesn't mean you get to forget about your obligations. FUcker. Woohoo for sleep deprivation and bong hits....
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

Lol Thanks Crypt. And that shit is hella funny lol
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by bavarianmonkey »

From my recently limited playing time, I have enjoyed sniping Enigma's face off and painting the wall behind him with his brains and spinal fluid.

Unfortunately, I don't know him enough yet if I want to throw my poo at him.

I won't vote at this time.
Last edited by bavarianmonkey on Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Coupon »

if any one else has the desire to see a grown man naked i need a little extra cash...just saying.
just throwin it out there.
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

lol Bavarian, I'll throw poo right back at ya... Big piles... Stinky... lol And Jesse (Coupon) will do this, and at a very low rate... Whether or not it's something that you would actually want to see, I would recommend it as I have to look out for my buddy and try to get him working again... lmao
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Coupon »

ill eat a bunch of exlax and poo in the super soaker and stink all you fucks
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

He just might do that... I wouldn't put it passed him lol :snooty:
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by raoul »

I've seen Enigma around in game lately. Talks on his mic often and seems to follow the rules. Also, seems to get along with everybody.

My advice would be to continue to engage with all of us Whores and help promote a good atmosphere in the server.

If he keeps this up he might have Whoredom in his future.

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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

Thanks Raoul ;) And will do.
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Frostbite »

mother fucker is good to go in my book
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by grimmy »

He's cool, I'm with Raoul on this one. Give it a little more time.
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

lol I've spent my time ;) But I'll wait for some more,"only" cause you guys say so... :roll: :D All I got is time right now so doesn't hurt my feelers... lol 8-) Been trying to get all the late night Blitz to come an say whats up on my app, but those guys are lazy/forgetful it seems... :lol:

Just got my computer fixed, hard drive failed... No good. But playing more often again now ;)
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by hypra »

Thank you;

At this time i cannot accept your application. Please be patient with our recruitment system. Turning you away doesn't mean we don't want you. We have several parameters that you must meet before you are eligible.

Please use your mic and remain social on the server. Understand our rules and follow them at all times. Get to know the server and its community. Donations aren't necessary but it would show you are dedicated. Over time we can soundly judge your application depending on your personality and skills.

We appreciate that you think of us so highly that you would want to be part of our team.

please re-apply in 6+ months
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Re: Wait... What? :p

Post by Enigma »

Sad days :( lol But will do. I'm not going anywhere, not unless I get deployed again so you guys are stuck with me ;)