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Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:09 pm
by JackMonkey
I have a question about a map glitch. I was told in game the Tank on Beach landing (Allies side) is a glitch and should not be used. I used it once and was told this by an admin (was actually set on fire :D to get the point across) . Thats fine and I have no problem following that. The question though is, what if a Blitz member showed me this spot and continues to use it?
Just asking..

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:26 pm
by ZERO604
lol u didnt even explain what the glitch is u just said tank so no one can even say if it is a glitch cuz we have no fackin clue what it is lol. if ppl cant get there or u cant get shot then it is a glitch sonny jim

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:48 pm
by bavarianmonkey
Unless it was intended to be part of the map, it's generally not allowed.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:07 pm
by JackMonkey
I figured the members would know about it since several were on when it was brought up. Anyways, Either team can get there, you can be shot, but you cant be seen even if someone was standing next to you.
The glitch is the tank closest to the beach. You can go inside of the tank and shoot from there. You see everything, but nobody see's you.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:01 pm
by bavarianmonkey
JackMonkey wrote: but you cant be seen even if someone was standing next to you.
The glitch is the tank closest to the beach. You can go inside of the tank and shoot from there. You see everything, but nobody see's you.
Sounds like an exploit to me. Unless it was intended to be like the secret room in Legoland (everyone's asking...what secret room?! now haha) then I'd say to not go in there.

If there is an admin exploiting this, you are welcome to take a demo of it and forward it to the Uber Admins here (Ultima, Hypra, Mongo, Strider, etc...) and they can make the final decision.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:05 pm
by Rediseal
It's a glitch in my opion because we can't see you and are unable to get a direct shot from axis side. It's a shot in the dark if we hit you or not. Where as the you have full view of everything around you. So I will continue to ask anyone to move on.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:44 pm
by Enigma
It's the tank far left of Allied spawn on beachlanding map... I know the map pretty well and from axis side you can't see underneath the tracks very well but you can see them crawling around and sniping from that position and still shoot them. There are small spaces that can be seen through it's just extremely difficult and usually they are already trained on you before you even get a chance to shoot at them. Glitch, probably not depending on who made the map. Kind of cheap since it's an Allied sided map, yeah... lol :)

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:18 pm
by ZERO604
if its under the tank and not in the tank then i see no problem with it just shoot a nade under there lol

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:28 am
by Enigma
Yeah that's the spot, it's under and in no way inside. Like I said you can still see through the tracks and see them under there from the Axis side but again it is extremely difficult too do so, all the while trying to shoot them at the same time. It just takes a bit of sniper skills ;)

And on a side note; kinda related to the topic at hand but it all really depends on the admins that are in the server at that time. We've found that there are many admins with different views on the rules, such as the shooting in and out of spawn on certain maps, 98% of them you can't shoot in/out of spawn, but there are those few that certain admins allow it because of the map design (Such as Frag Doom). So like the tank thing, I've seen admins use the tank. Not going to name names because as of right now I thought it was a legitimate spot as well. It's really hard to tell what is legit and not when one minute an admin/uber admin will say its fine and then 5 minutes later another says no its not. Something to consider? ;)

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:18 am
by bavarianmonkey
Enigma wrote: It's really hard to tell what is legit and not when one minute an admin/uber admin will say its fine and then 5 minutes later another says no its not. Something to consider? ;)
If an Uber Admin says its fine, the discussion ends right then and there. If there is a regular admin "breaking" the rules, like I said - demo it and forward it to an Uber Admin.

As for spawn shooting, you can only shoot from or into spawn if the flag is DIRECTLY outside of the spawn area. What you CAN NOT do is stay in spawn and fire out OR continously shoot into spawn.

Spawn is usually defined by Blitz as any place on the enemies side of the map that we can not access and you can shoot from there and kill us.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:21 am
by bmh
Enigma wrote: We've found that there are many admins with different views on the rules, such as the shooting in and out of spawn on certain maps, 98% of them you can't shoot in/out of spawn, but there are those few that certain admins allow it because of the map design (Such as Frag Doom).
Yes, there are a few of us who don't come to these forums or don't play enough to know what the current status is on some maps. If you do get a ban though, they are treated accordingly. Admins here (for the most part) DO pay attention to these bans and if you get one for no reason you are free to discuss it in the BANNED forum. We all make mistakes so it's always possible that bans can be given in error. If it is later found to be unwarranted they will be lifted as long as the banned person doesn't act like an ass when presenting their cases. I have seen a few bans that might have been lifted if the offender hadn't come here and made an ass out of themselves trying to protest it. I recommend not calling the admin that banned you a dumb fuck. You won't get far even if you were banned for no reason.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:44 am
by SavageSniper
i dont know what you guys have ruled on this yet but in my opinion its definetly a exploit/glitch. the tank wasnt brought down enough by whoever made the map. in the back of the tank theres enough room to crawl underneath it. i could fix this map if anybody wants me too i could fix the glitchy tank. i brought this up to bulldog and he said he'd rather me fix farmerslands spawn areas then this but now im thinking maybe i should fix it. just let me know.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:51 am
by Enigma
I do agree that it needs to be fixed or ruled that it can't be used once and for all. Pretty sure my opinion doesn't really matter but yeah :)

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:55 am
by bavarianmonkey
SavageSniper wrote:i dont know what you guys have ruled on this yet but in my opinion its definetly a exploit/glitch. the tank wasnt brought down enough by whoever made the map. in the back of the tank theres enough room to crawl underneath it. i could fix this map if anybody wants me too i could fix the glitchy tank. i brought this up to bulldog and he said he'd rather me fix farmerslands spawn areas then this but now im thinking maybe i should fix it. just let me know.
As far as I'm currently aware, Bulldog is no longer a part of Blitz.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:02 am
by SavageSniper
As far as I'm currently aware, Bulldog is no longer a part of Blitz.[/quote]

i know thats why im kinda bringing it up here, becuase i could fix it. just want to see what you guys say about it.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:14 am
by raoul
As far as this tank being considered Allied spawn, it is not, due to the fact that as an Axis I have reached this tank and was able to enter it as well. You don't even crawl to get under it. You just walk normally into it from the rear and you are hidden.

I would say that it is an exploit and there are many people using it as the map is becoming more popular. Plus this just adds to the allies camping on the beach instead of trying to advance to capture all of the flags to win the map.

Just my 2 cents.


Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:07 pm
by Rediseal
The allies still have a full view of there surounding as the axis have just a sliver to look at if not at all. It should be consider a glitch as most people that use it is to bump up there kill ratio. I consider my self a decent sniper and I have taking multiple shoot at trying to get them out from there but end up missing 90% of the time because you just can't not see them. I will say it again they have a full view of the map when under there.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:43 pm
by Mongo
It is a glitch. Do not use it. Tanks were not meant to walk through.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:14 pm
by Frostbite
Mongo wrote:It is a glitch. Do not use it. Tanks were not meant to walk through.
end of conversation.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:30 pm
by bavarianmonkey

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:47 am
by JackMonkey
You might want to let your members know. We played it tonight and there were two of them in it. I mentioned this thread, but they said its not a glitch.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:57 am
by Mongo
Gonzo wrote:its all up to the admins on at the time..

No it is not. It is a glitch. Do not do it.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:15 pm
by Mongo
So we are suppose to remove every map that you fail to admin. If that was so then al maps would be removed.

Guys follow our rules and do not use exploits on maps....Period.

Monkey knock it off and any one else who exploits this.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:21 pm
by JackMonkey
I dont know which "Monkey" you are talking about, but I used it one time and was told that it was a glitch by the Admins on that night, at which point i stopped. I came in here to see if that was the case and was told its a Glitch and not to use it, so I dont.
I brought this up last night because 2 Blitz members were using it and I mentioned this thread. They told me its not a glitch and they could use it.
Obviously its up to your admins what you want to decide on it, I was just trying to clarify a point and let you know some of the members think otherwise.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:15 pm
by Rediseal
Mongo just declared it a glitch so don't use it. If you see some of our members there pm another admin to help set them straight. I think someone said they would edit the map to remove the tank or so you couldn't walk through it.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:04 pm
by bavarianmonkey
Mongo wrote:So we are suppose to remove every map that you fail to admin. If that was so then al maps would be removed.

Guys follow our rules and do not use exploits on maps....Period.

Monkey knock it off and any one else who exploits this.
lol stupid Gonzo. I was in there for once for 5 mins.

Stop lying Gonzo.

Re: Map Glitch

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:44 am
by Frostbite
As redi just said, Mongo declared it a glitch. end of discussion. If you see an admin in it, correct them in a PM. and don't do it yourself.