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My googlefu

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:28 pm
by HavocStyles
just read the first couple of posts on this page then read the very last message (so far) from "Joe" ... YQjMc1aM2w

Geee wonder who Joe is ;) love the power of the internet, teach them to call my cell phone and spoof their caller ID

Re: My googlefu

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:51 pm
Received a call from this number at 8:57pm on 2/3/10. I picked up and it was a message in Spanish. Tried to call the number back(blocked my #) and it said the number was disconnected.
Caller ID: 1-212-999-8686
I get that a lot, wtf is it from!?

Re: My googlefu

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:54 am
It's part of the "Patriot Act". The Feds set up an database to call numbers at random for possible violations of the act. Apparently you entered a restricted or "watched" site and that info went into the database. Once or twice is a "shrug off", but, and I think the number was 17 hits, they open an investigation at a "low" priority. If things don't check out they upgrade it to a higher level, thank the FBI, and continue to collect info on the IP address. It's all part of the big brother watch they started after 9/11. It crosses IP address's with other info from larger data bases, such as county, city and state and a few private,those who recieve fedaral assistence or have governemnt contracts, with pyshical street addresses and phone numbers. I can't remember how they ascertain the cell numbers, but I thought that was through service contracts via the SSN number provided with the contract. Good Luck!!

Re: My googlefu

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:23 am
I forgot...Cougar... Several years ago ATF did a scam where they advertised in "Shotgun News", a published paper from weapons dealers. The ad was placed under Full automatic and parts section. It was a fake store, that actually had a store front, and went under the name of "General Rhino". There plan was to advertise, especially "parts" for machine guns, which at the time were not illegal to own but the weapons were, hoping to get people who needed the parts to fix their guns. They place the order and ATF's investigation would start, and actually deliver the parts to the gun owner. A door knock inspection was the follow-up call to, see or demand, the parts back. Those who installed the parts were arrested. A lot of "conversion kits" were offered for the AR-15's, MAC 10/11's, and H & K 94's at the time. This op lasted about 4 years before word of mouth caught on. I used to work in the industry, and still have a few classmates in the ATF/FBI. Only 2 of 36 went to DEA...shitheads.

Re: My googlefu

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:57 am
"General Rhino" I remember reading that in the Gun Magazines when I worked at a corner liquor store! good thing i never ordered ^_^ My whole town would have been fucked :) Fuck I love Vallejo!