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Why the Fuck is +Desert+Fox+ Such a Douche?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:57 am
by +Desert+Fox+
ok people, I've been a recruit (or pseudo recruit) for over a year now, I've donated, I've played, I've enforced the rules, I've had multiple members say that I should have a full tag and yet im a "perma-recruit". I think its bullshit, mainly because I have donated and I don't even have a reserve slot. I feel like I've done everything I'm supposed to and yet I have nothing to show for it. So long story short, give me one reason I shouldn't be a member and I'll fuck off.

Re: why the fuck am i not a member?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 5:21 am
by DeUltimaPunisher
It might have something to do with the fact that you would make a post like this; Just saying...

Re: why the fuck am i not a member?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:30 am
by BkW // ZtluhcS =HH=
DeUltimaPunisher wrote:It might have something to do with the fact that you would make a post like this; Just saying...

Re: why the fuck am i not a member?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:35 pm
by +Desert+Fox+
well i wouldn't have to if i were treated like every other recruit, in the one year i have been a recruit i have seen 8 or more people become full members, some who play less than i do. That's a hell of a thing for you to say to me after all the effort i have put into this and if your just going to write it off because you don't like people inquiring about their status then that's fucked and your fucked.

Re: why the fuck am i not a member?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 5:14 pm
by Frostbite
It also might have to do with you are playing on a server called Here's a Tissue at 1913 Central Time wearing an {H.A.T} tag instead of your recruit tag.

Keep your blitz tag off. You can play but you've lost the priveledge to wear it.

Re: why the fuck am i not a member?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:55 pm
by DeUltimaPunisher
+Desert+Fox+ wrote:well i wouldn't have to if i were treated like every other recruit, in the one year i have been a recruit i have seen 8 or more people become full members, some who play less than i do. That's a hell of a thing for you to say to me after all the effort i have put into this and if your just going to write it off because you don't like people inquiring about their status then that's fucked and your fucked.
Well let's start with the fact that you were never recruited into the clan in the first place... You claimed Tommy2Fingers recruited you, but he has no such memory. When I asked you to talk with him about it, you never did, but claimed to me you did. I'm sorry, but I told you to get your ass in the recruit forums and make it official or take off the tag. So really, I want to know... What fucking effort? You couldn't even do the simple things I asked of you!

When us seniors talked about it, we decided to let you keep the tag for now, but with no power until you officially recruited up and/or earned it. Unfortunately you did quite the opposite here, and I'm seriously glad we took it slow with you, as you're now showing your true colours as a complete douche.

I doubt anyone will shed a tear, because you're not Blitz material at all. See you later, you but-hurt bitch. A real Whore can take it up the ass without crying LMFAO!

again, your fucked

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 2:42 pm
by +Desert+Fox+
1. Tommy doesnt remember because he was drunk. that was the first time, the second i applied again with grimmy as my sponsor.
2. I did talk to Tommy about it and he simply ignored me and I tried multiple times. So his lack of response is NOT my fault. which is why i got mad in the first place.
3. I applied TWICE to this clan and both times there was a discrepancy among the ubers that was NEVER resolved.
4. Ultima, just because you were not around to see all of my effort doesnt mean it dint happen. I did everything you asked of me, it was just a matter of time before I got tired of trying for something that I knew wasnt going to happen, so i snapped. But its fine, you can keep your clan and your tag because I dont want any part of it. Not after all the stupid shit I've seen with admin abuse and biased control freaks.

I think its hilarious that you guys lock the thread before I can respond too. as if my response would not matter, once again proving my efforts were pointless from the start.
and apparently im a douche? for wanting to join your clan? ya that makes perfect sense. maybe if you werent such an asshole about it and spent some time looking at my application and how many people agreed I should have a tag, it would make more sense to you, but i suppose thats too far past your intellectual capacity. GOD FUCKING FORBID I HAVE A TAG AND JUST PLAY THE FUCKING GAME.

Re: again, your fucked

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 4:06 pm
by +Desert+Fox+

Re: again, your fucked

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:30 pm
by Frostbite
If you weren't getting through to him did you think transcripting your messages with time stamps so as to say "hey, I'm trying and here's my proof"? No, you just assumed a pm would do the trick.
What was the discrepancy between the ubers? We were all well aware that you were a recruit this second time around. I see no discrepancy in this? Is it because we weren't taking your recruit tag off? We do not say "Recruitment will last _____ weeks/months" because there is just no way to tell how long it takes to tell if someone hacks it.

As for all the "keep your clan and your tag because I don't want any part of it" crap, then why the hell are you throwing such a temper tantrum? I know if I really didn't care or want a part of it, I wouldn't sign on to the forums and throw a hissy fit.

Even if you took away your explosions in the last thread and this one (which isn't going to happen) you would still have lost your recruit tag due to the inability to follow simple requirements. It says plain and simple in the Recruitment Requirements thread "dual clanning is not allowed" yet multiple ubers saw you on another DOD server wearing another clan tag.

Re: again, your fucked

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:45 pm
by DeUltimaPunisher
Nowhere in that application do I see an approval for recruitment. That's great that you hold yourself in such high regard that you believe you're such a gift to have as a member in our clan, but unfortunately you don't make the decisions around here, the senior admins do.

1. If Tommy recruited you while he was so drunk he can't remember it, well then sorry about your luck there guy.

2. The fact is, you told me you had actually talked to him, and he said he couldn't remember. That was a lie, you may have gotten that story from Tommy via another admin, but the fact is you "lied" to me about something and that along with Tommy not remembering anything rubbed me the wrong way, hence a slower rank up process.

3. Looks to me like your application process was going very well, maybe if you had sent me that link and talked to me like a man in PM, I would have read it and finally approved your request after clearing up a few minor issues with you.

4. All I know, is I made some simple requests from you, and you didn't deliver on any of them. And don't forget that even with my best friend in the real world; Tommy, telling me you're full of shit... I still gave you a chance and let you keep the tag on while you went through the official approval process. When what I usually do is tell players to remove the tag and fuck off, sometimes even ban them. It really is too bad you blew it just days after me talking with Tommy about what to do with you, and we both agreed we wanted you in the clan, but would make you work for it after all the BS. Sucks to be you I guess.

5. You are a douche because you snapped like a little bitch and threw a childish temper tantrum, when really it looked to me like you were on the verge of getting exactly what you wanted. Instead of coming to me and talking man to man in PM where you could have raised these concerns, you instead come in here and publicly start drama and call me down for doing nothing more than pointing out the simple truth that you don't want to hear.

6. BTW: Learn how to spell; It's "You're fucked", not "Your fucked". If you're going to insult me and assume your intellect is far more superior than mine, then act the part and bring your big brain along for the ride.

7. BYE!

Re: again, your fucked

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 11:29 am
by Liveandletdie
Personally I perfer a good "Sitcom" over a "Drama" however I do enjoy reading amusing "Novelettes" such as this. The raw emotion and gripping story line are vividly displayed in print for ALL to savour. I find this quite compelling in a day and age where "Texting" and "Faceless communication" abound. This post has "Real" substance to it, almost "To good to put down" as they say on the New York "Best Sellers List" Do you think we could create another "Forum" called "Parting Comments You Cocksuckers" or " It's over Honey...I've found someone else" or" Yeah well YOUR Mom's a Whore"? Regardless this shit is "Priceless", who's up next? Can't wait for the sequel to hit the shelves! LIVE....... and LET DIE :think: :text-offtopic: