Myth Rules Revisited

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Myth Rules Revisited

Post by bmh »

Some members of this forum don't have access to certain sections of it due to their level of whoredom. Because of this unfortunately a valuable post that should be seen by all gets missed. This particular post that I am resubmitting is our illustrious leader's take on certain rules or certain things that are said to be a rule but are actually not or they are incorrectly quoted.

This should be read by all because there is now no excuse for players saying "I didn't know that" or Admins trying to flex their muscles with rules that don't exist. Pay special attention to the part about what languages we are allowed to speak on our server. I am getting tired of constantly bringing this subject up but now that I have figured out that this two year old topic hasn't been viewable to all of our players/members I am going to do it here and be done with it.

Enjoy the read. I now leave this thread to Punisher...
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Re: Myth Rules Revisited

Post by bmh »

DeUltimaPunisher wrote:I would like to know where some of these weird rules come from and start clearing them up. I will mention a couple and clear them up here, and feel free to bring up any non-official rules that have popped up out of nowhere.

1. The server is an English only speaking server

This is just nuts! Where did this even come from? Obliviously some racist ignorance seeping out of the woodwork here. The server is an international server, with players that speak all kinds of languages. This is why some of our admins don't speak very good English. They were hired to admin the players in their respected languages. If the players are spamming the mic, then this is something different, feel free to mute them. But I don't want to hear about admins telling players "This is an English only server"

2. It's okay to slap your self to fly around after the round is over, during the bonus round.

No!, it is never okay to spam any kind of command at the server. Spamming commands could actually cause the server to crash. The reason slap was removed from all members except Ubers was because I started to see a disturbing trend with multiple members slapping themselves by spamming the sm_slap command at themselves in order to fly around and/or jump into the enemy spawn.

3. If a player has Blitz in their name, they should be forced to change their name or be banned

Since when do we own the word Blitz? If someone like our friend PFC.Blitz-FL.187TH- comes into the server, then NO, we don't ask them to change their name or ban them. If they have a name like Blitz.Sucks.Shit or using one of our tags (BkW // or ¦ вlϊтz), then yes we do take action, but come on and use your commonsense and realize why we have rules. Don't just act as though we own the word.

Those are the three at the top of my head, but I'm sure I will think of more later, and like I said, please feel free to bring up any other Myth Rules out there that you need cleared up.
Rule #2 has been relaxed but misuse will cause the command to be removed again.
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