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502 = 420

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:25 pm
by Liveandletdie
Hey BMH, Jbourne, Mongo and others in the Clan whom reside in Washington state. I know that since I visit the Evergreen state on a regular basis, I would consider it a personal favour if you all could see fit to vote Yes on Bill 502. Cheers Live :D

Re: 502 = 420

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:23 pm
by bmh
I would have except in every initiative they list the "good" parts that they think will encourage more people to vote positive on it in the beginning and hide parts like these at the end where they hope that no one notices it.
Part V on "driving under the influence of marijuana" sets a per se DUI limit of active blood THC levels at greater than or equal to 5 nanograms per milliliter. Some medical cannabis advocates are concerned that this will lead to DUI convictions for medicinal cannabis users, who are driving with blood THC levels greater than or equal to 5 nanograms per milliliter.
First of all, the proposed measurement of 5 nanograms per milliliter has no scientific evidence to back it up. How much weed do you have to smoke to reach that measurement and how long does it stay at that level? How does this level vary between the non-smoker, casual smoker, and chronic smoker? No one knows. There hasn't been enough studying done on the subject. The measurement is arbitrary and is being questioned and shot down by both sides of the fence. I bet that a habitual daily smoker would measure at least that much on a regular basis but still function normally. Many others, including leading doctors, say the same thing.

Also these tests must be performed roadside. By their own definition and explanation a 15 minute trip to the police station to get a measurement will make the test vary considerably - especially for the habitual pot smoker whose system is already heavy with the cannabinoids that cause the high. Since when does a cop know how to draw blood and also ensure that his equipment is sterile in that box in the trunk of their patrol cars on the side of some dusty road somewhere? It's not like a diabetic pricking their finger and getting a reading off of a little box that somehow magically examines your blood. The technology isn't there yet. They have to use a needle, draw your blood, and mix it in a solution, and wait for the color to change. One lab study that was done and covered in a story on concluded that a person who is a recreational occasional user could smoke enough to get high and still show up with 2-4 nanograms per millileter result 12 hours after use. Were they too impaired to drive? Probably not. The same test also used chronic smokers whose levels elevated just like everyone else but in some cases as little as a half an hour later showed no elevated levels of cannabinoids over their baseline. Which brings up another issue - the baseline. There is none proposed in 502 - an important element that lawyers and doctors feel needs to be included in order to keep the imitative from being unconstitutional and unfair to medical users.

It will also only cover legal Washington State residents with I.D. and a medical marijuana license. You have to become a U.S. and Washington State citizen you Canuck! :lol:

There are too many issues that the 502 blanket will cover that should be handled individually, especially the roadside testing standards and test methods. Break it up, re-write a lot of it, and reintroduce what 502 says in several different proposals and try it again. For now, NO ON 502.

That being said, I hope that everyone did their duty and voted today.

The preceding comments are not endorsed or supported by any political party or affiliation and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Blitzkreig Whores, their families, or potential future members.

Re: 502 = 420

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:57 pm
by Mongo
No real change will happen with weed until it becomes legal federally. Federal trumps state laws. Feds could come in and shut it down if they want to regardless of the state laws on it.
That and no politics in here.

Re: 502 = 420

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:42 pm
by Liveandletdie
Thanks Boys, I was only thinking of myself coming across the border and buying a bag for the weekend. We have similar laws that BMH refers to,as in impaired driving. So I guess I won't be able to go to the local grocery store and buy beer and weed. Fuck...Good thing I have met people along life's trail that can hook me up. :) Cheers Live,,,As a sidebar: Sorry Mongo this post wasn't meant as anything political more over it was meant as a light hearted humorous post..