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So boring

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:24 am
by Mongo
My job on Saturdays is so boring. :sleeping-sleeping:
It used to be fun until I decided to manage the office. I did get a $4 an hour raise though. :D
Only bad thing is I can't get things done in the labs. So when I do work during the week it is me running around like Corky to get things done.
Because of our new LMS we do not get nearly as many calls or problems so I spend most of my time dinking around waiting for something to come up. Even when something does come up it takes a minute to deal with.
Only an hour left. :dance:

Re: So boring

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:30 am
by Kriegs<>Schwein
Laptop + DOD = :D

Re: So boring

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:35 am
by Mongo
Kriegs<>Schwein wrote:Laptop + DOD = :D
Playing DOD on laptop at work= no job.

Re: So boring

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:10 pm
by BkW // ZtluhcS =HH=
Mongo wrote:
Kriegs<>Schwein wrote:Laptop + DOD = :D
Playing DOD on laptop at work= no job.
Welcome to management lol :twisted: :twisted:

Re: So boring

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 5:59 pm
by Johnny Tapia
Mongo wrote:My job on Saturdays is so boring. :sleeping-sleeping:
It used to be fun until I decided to manage the office. I did get a $4 an hour raise though. :D
Only bad thing is I can't get things done in the labs. So when I do work during the week it is me running around like Corky to get things done.
Because of our new LMS we do not get nearly as many calls or problems so I spend most of my time dinking around waiting for something to come up. Even when something does come up it takes a minute to deal with.
Only an hour left. :dance:
Ahh, I only work Mon - Fri :dance:

Re: So boring

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:07 pm
by One-Eye Ernie
Mongo, I worked in the tech industry for over 25 years and there were occasions when I had time on my hands. Like it was mentioned before, cruising or playing DOD could be a CLM (career limiting move). I would look into some open source type software tools that you could play with. Something that might be related to you job and/or tech environment. If anyone checks over your shoulder as to what you're doing, you could say you're researching or testing (xyz problem or technology) that's related to your work environment. If it doesn't bother management then it gives you an opportunity to learn sometime new and enhance your resume. On one occasion when I was a Software QA Manager at a small start-up, our product was in a customized client/server architecture. A developer and I installed Apache and an open source Load Balancer to see if we could get better response times from our software. I'd never messed around with Load Balancers before so it was kind of fun and it was related to our work.

Re: So boring

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:43 pm
by Johnny Tapia
One-Eye Ernie wrote:Mongo, I worked in the tech industry for over 25 years and there were occasions when I had time on my hands. Like it was mentioned before, cruising or playing DOD could be a CLM (career limiting move). I would look into some open source type software tools that you could play with. Something that might be related to you job and/or tech environment. If anyone checks over your shoulder as to what you're doing, you could say you're researching or testing (xyz problem or technology) that's related to your work environment. If it doesn't bother management then it gives you an opportunity to learn sometime new and enhance your resume. On one occasion when I was a Software QA Manager at a small start-up, our product was in a customized client/server architecture. A developer and I installed Apache and an open source Load Balancer to see if we could get better response times from our software. I'd never messed around with Load Balancers before so it was kind of fun and it was related to our work.

Re: So boring

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:14 pm
by NiPPleTwEEk
Well it could be worse mongo, but I would look into what ernie is talking about. if you do have that much time then I say go for it, it wouldn't hurt to learn right. now get back to work whore. :lol:

Re: So boring

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:34 pm
by Splatted!!!!!
Gratz on management.... Never pictured Mongo as a manager.... "Manager Mongo" sounds good with a $4 dollar raise :D Good luck in your new adventure. 8-)

Re: So boring

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:23 pm
by Mongo
I never said I was a manager. You guys need to learn to read. Managing the office and being a manager is different.
I have been a manager in the past. I was actually an executive manager for a company before I joined the military. It was back in the Midwest so I didn't have as many whinny girly men as I see out here in the Pacific Northwest. :D

Re: So boring

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:05 pm
by One-Eye Ernie
Yes, Yes, we know, we know. The Midwest! Where MEN are MEN, and sheep are nervous.

Re: So boring

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:33 am
by Kriegs<>Schwein
Had a flash back to a Steinfeld show . You proablly could do the same thing as Kastansa did . He got a carpenter to build a small room under his desk where he could hide and do the shit he wanted to .he would come out now and then and appear to be very busy . :lol: ... Wi1KA#t=3s

Re: So boring

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:21 pm
by Splatted!!!!!
My bad, well gratz on managing the office, I just assumed a manager would manage the office. :roll: It still pays more :D

Re: So boring

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:39 pm
by BkW // ZtluhcS =HH=
Mongo wrote:I never said I was a manager. You guys need to learn to read. Managing the office and being a manager is different.
I have been a manager in the past. I was actually an executive manager for a company before I joined the military. It was back in the Midwest so I didn't have as many whinny girly men as I see out here in the Pacific Northwest. :D
Manager oh a office manager like clerks or parks and recreation or workaholics :twisted: :twisted:

Re: So boring

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:59 pm
by Mongo
I do not report to the office manager. Good thing too, she is incompetent and knows nothing of how to do my job. My boss is the Special Assistant Program Manager/Coordinator and above his is the Executive Director(Dean). So it is funny when other managers try to tell me what to do. I look at them and let them know they need to have one of their people do it or contact my boss and coordinate it with him. LOL
I have really lucked out because my office is at the other end of the education center(school) and no one comes down unless they need something. I have 2 labs, multiple COWs(computers on wheels), laptop labs and two other rooms for instructors and science lab stuff. I also have about 6 other servers to monkey with. I find plenty of work so when I come in on Sat. All I do is sit around and wait for instructors or students to come in and ask questions. It gets pretty boring and after about 2 hours or researching PC related stuff I get bored.
Don't get me wrong I like my job but after 7 years it would be nice to get it full time.

Re: So boring

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:34 am
by Kriegs<>Schwein
Hey Mongo when the underlings come to tell you what or how to do something tell them to refer to as MR.UBER. So they will know who is the real boss. :dance:

Re: So boring

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:01 pm
by BkW // ZtluhcS =HH=
So your working at the schools IT help desk, I call those dudes a couple times a month with stupid questions about computer stuff maybe ill just start calling you.. :twisted: :twisted: :clap:

Re: So boring

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:18 am
by Mongo
No, I do not work at the helpdesk. My job is more than that.
I train instructors on the LMS and help them with problems they run into when developing their courses. I also help students when they have account issues through the LMS.
I also run all the virtual servers and online courses for our computer courses. I run and maintain the computer labs and coordinate with the instructors if they need special software or requests.
I am pretty much the go to for any tech related stuff in the military program at the college. I am separate from IT.

Re: So boring

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:52 am
by One-Eye Ernie
All that responsibility doesn't mean shit. Mongo still would like to hear all your stupid questions Shultzie. :think:

Re: So boring

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:59 pm
by BkW // ZtluhcS =HH=
UBER-HELPDESK :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: So boring

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:04 pm
by Mongo
BkW // ZtluhcS =HH= wrote:UBER-HELPDESK :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I am more on the proactive side not the reactive side. I make it so people will have to call helpdesk less. :D

Re: So boring

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:42 pm
by NiPPleTwEEk
So I have this computer question... I have been wanting to have sex with my tower since the very first day I had her. is there a way I can jimmy rig a hose to the air intake fans and the computer can suck me off real good. thanks for your time uber helpdesk and I would like to hear from you asap.


Re: So boring

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:02 pm
by Mongo
NiPPleTwEEk wrote:So I have this computer question... I have been wanting to have sex with my tower since the very first day I had her. is there a way I can jimmy rig a hose to the air intake fans and the computer can suck me off real good. thanks for your time uber helpdesk and I would like to hear from you asap.


Duct tape a flesh light to it and then have your way. :o

Re: So boring

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:16 pm
by tez
I train instructors on the LMS
Oh hey, we just killed off our in-house training system where I work and I've started porting (well actually rebuilding) our stuff to scorm 2.0 compliant modules for LMS. I was building the training modules from scratch before with final cut pro, html and flash, but we just purchased Articulate Storyline. I think the toughest part will be getting HR to help with building the training. Those guys aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Re: So boring

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:17 pm
by Splatted!!!!!
Off subject, that is a wicked little trap. :shock:

Re: So boring

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:16 pm
by Mongo
The state went to Canvas and we are very happy with it. Students love it and the instructors are adjusting very well. Even the older ones.