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server rules

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:29 pm
by hypra
its locked, so ill elaborate here.

i know it says listen to admins.
but more over; respect the admins. We know all the admins love to fuck with whoever is on. We use a lighthearted approach to the server to keep a good social environment. BUT; when the admin hat comes on and we have to enforce the rules. Give the admins some space to administer whatever needs to be done. Our admins have a tough enough time babysitting as it stands. We do appreciate the regulars helping with admin. Though if a recognized admin is on; let him or her handle it. If they don't notice, message them.. you have to understand... 10 regulars jumping on one person isn't the way to approach our rules (its' simply improper). feel free if no admins are on...message an admin if shit is going down to the point you cannot regulate (DO NOT message over dumb shit). As a regular; you do have influence with admins (NEVER ABUSE THIS FACT or your ass is grass) and help when needed.

Re: server rules

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:35 pm
by hypra
also this isnt a rule;

but a structure id like to start.

when several admin are on.... lowest person on the totem deals the admin.
it will teach them how to talk to others in a respectful way but also using an authoritative tone to get rules across. it will also give the higher admin a way of coaching them (through admin chat or messages... NEVER THROUGH OPEN CHANNEL) on how to accomplish said administration.

Re: server rules

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:19 pm
by PikaWho?
Great advice hypra,

Not only is it improper to have 10 players jumping one guy it's also very hostile especially if the player is new to our server. We have one of the best and most populated server around so lets not drive away new potential players until we have deemed them "unworthy". On that note, I would suggest that our admin take a less hostile approach when dealing with a first time offense or even in giving a first warning to someone who violates the rule (unless they are regulars or repeated offenders then by all means go off!). YES, I realize that they should read the rules before playing but hey that's why we are the ones in charge. I just don't see how yelling at someone to "stop shooting out of spawn you idiot, douche bag, ass fucker, etc" really helps in enforcing and clarifying our rules. Especially since we have so many custom maps that even among our admins there are inconsistency in the regulation.

Lastly, I would just like to point out two things that I think we Blitz members seemed to have forgotten. Taken from the Punisher's recruitment post:

"playing maps, even if you don't like them. this falls under the good sport quality we look for in admins. It really bothers us when people don't play maps they don't like." Our senior admins are of course the exception, they put extra time and effort in keeping our community running smoothly so they're practically "god" :clap:

"maturity. It bothers us when ADMINS and players say "BS!!" without investigating. That's childish and unwanted." DEMO it, SUBMIT it, but don't WHINE about it! Enough said.

Sorry for the lengthy post... it's only cause I care ;)


Re: server rules

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:31 pm
by Frostbite
I agree with both of you. If someone is making the mistake for the first time, just politely correct them. It won't do any good to go off yelling at them right away. Then if they still don't listen go ahead.

Re: server rules

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:15 pm
by PvtTuscany
Thanks all - very helpful. As a BKW n00b, I appreciate the reminder to be polite. Monkey has always been an excellent model for handling admin - admire his calm and persistent approach.

Re: server rules

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:50 pm
by Frostbite
BkW // ZtluhcS =HH= wrote:With out rules there would be anarchy and the Hypras of the world would be in charge.
very scary thought :shock:

Re: server rules

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:25 pm
by hypra

i dont mind being at the bottom of the totem forever; thats where you can make the biggest difference

Re: server rules

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:51 pm

Re: server rules

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:16 am
hypra wrote:lol;

i dont mind being at the bottom of the totem forever; thats where you can make the biggest difference

Re: server rules

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:06 pm
by Elix
I tend to be fairly polite on first offenders, especially names I've never seen before. The only time I'm less than nice for first-timers is when they do something someone else has just been asked not to do. As in, within 30 seconds.

And when I play, I generally play through every map that comes up between join time and go back to fucking reality to get shit done time. I don't go, "oh, fuck, Strand, and the snipers are all dumb fucks, screw this." I figure out a way to have fun even if I walk out with a 1:4 KDR (thanks to certain whores who can't stop it with the noob cannon on strand, you know who you are and Imma get you some day). Try my patented method of doing that if you're considering ragequitting because you don't like the map. :violin: