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Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:50 pm
by emagdnim
Player name: emagdnim

Age: 30

Sex: Male

What time of the day do you normally play? (Be specific if possible, including timezones): 8pm-???

Are you in any other clans?: No

How long have you been playing in our server?: Fucking years. Cheers to another 13 years!

Do you have a reserved slot or fall into an exception category?: I have a reserved slot currently.

Do you use your mic in the server?: Due to a recent medical condition, I cannot speak.

Tell us in your own words why you want to join our clan: I just want to find a home away from here. You guys are always consistent with rules, and super friendly.

Other Comments: I have a 5 year-old daughter. I am a twin. I'm a restaurant consultant and personal chef, though that's on hold now.