RudeMoose application for membership

Recruitment app and discussion
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Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:40 pm

RudeMoose application for membership

Post by RudeMoose »

Player name: RudeMoose

Age: 26

Sex: Male

What time of the day do you normally play? (Be specific if possible, including timezones): PST 5PM-12AM

Are you in any other clans?: Nope

How long have you been playing in our server?: 10-11 years, when I was underaged I was silent and had a prepubescent voice

Do you have a reserved slot or fall into an exception category?: No

Do you use your mic in the server?: Yes, sometimes too much

Tell us in your own words why you want to join our clan: I've been playing for a long while, some of it under different (embarrassing) names but the majority of it under RudeMoose. I feel like a member of the community even though I don't have the tag. So why don't I try to make it official.

Other Comments: I promise every time this map is in session I will conduct this prank.
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