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d4rkn3ss `.=. / Pur3NrG wanting to Join the Madness

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:26 pm
by d4rkn3ss
Player name: d4rkn3ss `.=. (My Official name)
What time of the day do you normally play? (specific if possible, including timezones): Pacific Time, Afternoons, Late Nights (all times I'm Not working)
Why you want to join: Blitz has been basically The only server iv played On since i got DoD source. All members are great to play with and to Talk to! Just wanting to Join the Whores as one of your own.
Games you play: DoD , Starcraft2

Re: d4rkn3ss `.=. / Pur3NrG wanting to Join the Madness

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:53 am
by d4rkn3ss
I have been playing Off and on for 2 years Now, and i also have a mic

Re: d4rkn3ss `.=. / Pur3NrG wanting to Join the Madness

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:25 pm
by Charizard
not sure I've ever seen you on before? Give it some time grasshopper.

Re: d4rkn3ss `.=. / Pur3NrG wanting to Join the Madness

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:50 pm
by Mongo
:handgestures-thumbdown: Thanks for the application. I am sorry to inform you that you do not meet the one or more of the minimum requirements of Whoredum. That or we just don't want you as a whore as of yet :cry:
Please re apply after you are well known by admins and other players. And remember to use your mic so we can get to know you more.

Re apply after 6 months from now. we will see then.