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Army Boot Camp

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:05 am
by Stealth Albino
I'd have sworn this was The Onion, but apparently not. For those that haven't seen it, may I present to you the future gentler, cuddly, and well-nurtured defense of our country, soldiers from new U.S. Army boot camp. Vets and current military, stand at ease and carry on with shitting yourselves.

And they say the Air Force has a weak-ass boot camp.

Re: Army Boot Camp

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:48 am
by Frostbite
they're starting to do this with all the services. Last year I was a detailer at the academy (and no I'm not saying that it's the same as boot camp) and was furious with how much my hands were tied. It's rediculous what they're doing and how easy they're making it for people to stay in that shouldn't be in.

Re: Army Boot Camp

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:29 am
by Stealth Albino
I understand the necessity to adapt to more modern forms of combat and having to retain numbers in this era, but damn, really? Now if this is just a PR front to make things sound better to get more people in, then in reality nothing's actually changed, that's fine.

But damn.

Re: Army Boot Camp

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:50 am
by Mongo
I doubt that this is really going to be softer. Like you said it may be a ploy to get them to join due to enlistment numbers.
First it is from it might be all made up. They are not much different than the onion. LOL
second. what do you expect when these people are raising thier kids to be pussies. single mothers with no father in the picture. They are coddled and vaganized. They are given everthing instead of working for it.

we used the phone once, for 5 minutes including dialing time and that was for thanksgiving.
we had a piece chicken and rice for dinner. sometimes we even got veggies...when they didnt run out.
and all the water you could drink. then we did PT after every time we ate. half the time people puked up their meals.
I don't think i ever heard a D.S. talk. they were always yelling.
But these pussies now cry when ever they get yelled at.

It is all a mind game any ways. These fucking kids don't listen. they question everything instead of just shutting the fuck up, listen and doing what they are told.

Re: Army Boot Camp

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:20 pm
by Frostbite
I'm tellin you man, they really are making it a shit ton easier... The kids that come through now are weak in both mind and body and we're not allowed to get up in their face as much. I know over here we can still yell, but PT is limited and they got 30 minutes every week to call home.

When I went through it was however much PT they wanted and 5 minutes twice the entire time to call... and that was 4 years ago.

Re: Army Boot Camp

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:50 pm
by Mongo
maybe they should inject the mashed potatoes with testoterone.

Re: Army Boot Camp

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:55 pm
by Zooks24
its the fucking ARMY need i say more? they did this shit with the Marines they still yelled but not nearly as bad as they usually do because the cameras were there, they toned it down a bit. but once the cameras leave its fucking game on.
now as far as the army goes maybe they are doing that for real there pussies to begin with. they get everything they need and there not the first ones in to combat. they come and "HOLD" the shit the Marines have already taken and hopefully they dont fuck that up.
i dont really give a shit, till i see a Marine DI saying that shit who gives a fuck

Re: Army Boot Camp

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:09 pm
by Stealth Albino
Shit, I was allowed to call home maybe twice for a couple minutes; first time was to give my address, then I think we got something late in training.

Now that being said, I managed really long phone conversations when I was doing mandatory processing for my career field. But that was just me taking advantage of the system. :D

But damn guys, if I'd an all-you-can-eat shit going on in boot camp, I'd have been a happy motherfucker. We'd eat, then be back in the barracks or out PTing, and half an hour later I'd be fucking hungry as all hell again. What'd I'd give for some pancakes from the 322nd TRS chow-hizzy.

Now you know what would be fucking funny? If it was all-you-can-eat MREs. You thought you couldn't take a shit in boot camp when you were there... :lol:

Re: Army Boot Camp

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:45 am
by Frostbite
yeah, I'm pretty sure the marines haven't really changed. The navy has definitely gotten softer, as well as the army. They told the marines to back off, but they just said roger that and kept proceding as usual. Gotta love it.