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Will play for pudding
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:30 pm
by Puddingtader
Hey guys I've been playing on you're server for a few weeks now and I really enjoy you're team!
Player name:PuddingTader
What time of the day do you normally play? (specific if possible, including timezones):5-6am& 4-11pm weekdays. and anytime of the day on weekends
Why you want to join: Love the server rules. You're admins actully do their job. Awesome map selection!
Games you play: DOD:S, little CS:S, LOTRO.
and did you guys upgrade the server?
seems like they are running at higher fps.
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:48 pm
Puddingtader wrote:Hey guys I've been playing on you're server for a few weeks now
A few weeks? :eusa-hand: You have to have played for much longer than a few weeks...
Doesn't have my vote :eusa-naughty:
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:15 pm
by grimmy
Stick around pudding amd applu @ a later date. We need time to get to know you.
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:16 pm
by grimmy
ooops spell checker, and* apply* :whistle:
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:59 pm
by Stealth Albino
I recommend about 6 months before you apply, mate. I'm pretty sure that's about what I did. Stick around a while, be active with the shit-talking-storm on the mic, be familiar with and keep to the server rules, reapply, and I'll bet your mother's ass you'll get yourself tagged as recruit. Leaders, sergeants, and admins, we're training our replacements.
Also, a word from the wise(ish)--watch out for Fisty when you're in Anzio. He might just fist you from behind too.
Carry on recruit-trainee!
^ InstaPudding ^
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:19 pm
by bavarianmonkey
Use the mic often, play like you have no life, sing with me in a monkey voice, let me jam my shovel into the back of your skull and you'll get my vote
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:38 am
by hypra
Thank you;
At this time i cannot accept your application. Please be patient with our recruitment system. Turning you away doesn't mean we don't want you. We have several parameters that you must meet before you are eligible.
Please use your mic and remain social on the server. Understand our rules and follow them at all times. Get to know the server and its community. Donations aren't necessary but it would show you are dedicated. Over time we can soundly judge your application depending on your personality and skills.
We appreciate that you think of us so highly that you would want to be part of our team.
please re-apply in 6+ months
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:58 am
by Stealth Albino
bavarianmonkey wrote:Use the mic often, play like you have no life, sing with me in a monkey voice, let me jam my shovel into the back of your skull and you'll get my vote
Don't forget to fling poo as you serenade him with your monkey voice. :dance:
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:25 pm
by Puddingtader
Yeah that wont be any problem. I talk when I can until Hypra gets on. he is a mic hog lol.
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:39 pm
by Stealth Albino
Puddingtader wrote:Yeah that wont be any problem. I talk when I can until Hypra gets on. he is a mic hog lol.
I like this motherfucker already.
Re: Will play for pudding
Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:27 am
by hypra
Puddingtader wrote:Yeah that wont be any problem. I talk when I can until Hypra gets on. he is a mic hog lol.