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Finally got some time to play...

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:55 pm
by AmnestyIntnl
Got into the sever last night, finally!
great to play with the whores again, such a great crowd :clap:
A lot of friendly people, and gimmel, just like back before i left.
Saw there are some new maps in the rotation! that's awesome i was getting triad of the rotation blitz was using before.
anyways just wanted to say it was nice talking to you all last night and this morning and i will be back playing again for a while.
PS: got a job so ill throw some donations Blitz' way; and congratulations in keeping such a great environment.

Re: Finally got some time to play...

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:22 pm
by Max
word... I pop in randomly now maybe I'll see you on sometime :dance: