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Application For Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:04 am
by keevin87
Player name: Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Age: 23
What time of the day do you normally play?: Weekdays will play abt 3/5. Weekends will play 1/2.
Why you want to join: I'm from singapore and i would like to join this server caused i really love this place too much, of all servers that i've played since 2006. The members of Blitzkrieg have been pretty cool and make jokes everytime I have come on to play and have so much custom maps. Have made quite afew frens here. Hope that you will consider me joining here
PS: This is my 3rd time applying, i got rejected caused i didn't use my mic and now i'm using my mic very often. Hope that you can re-consider me to be a WHORES like you guys too hehehe.. see ya
Games you play: DOD & Need For Speed Games
Re: Application For Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:27 pm
by Crypt-keeper
My only issue that I have is I've noted on a couple of occasions, you breaking server rules and/or not listening to an admin. Now this is just a couple times its happened but, in order to be a whore you have to follow whore rules. Just what I've noticed.
Re: Application For Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:28 pm
by keevin87
Crypt-keeper wrote:My only issue that I have is I've noted on a couple of occasions, you breaking server rules and/or not listening to an admin. Now this is just a couple times its happened but, in order to be a whore you have to follow whore rules. Just what I've noticed.
Sry Crypt-keeper, hmm i don't tink i've break any rules as i noe e rules here. Could it be another person cuz i noe there's another person named evolution also but seldom play. I'm not trying to push e blame to someone else, i believe that other ppl noe if i did break e rules. Good Day Bro

Re: Application For Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:49 pm
by Crypt-keeper
I think if I can recall it was on italy. Jumping around up top on the roofs and where asked to get down off of them but did not comply.. I could be wrong it could be the other evolution, I have no problems with u by anymeans as I've played with you on numerous occasions without an issue or qualm.
Re: Application For Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:52 am
by keevin87
Bro, Oh yeap i recall that alrd if i'm not wrong it was last week or sometime back. My bad man think i did't heard ya asking me to get off e roof so sry abt it. I immediately get out off e roof after i heard from lush or zero can't rmb as u noe so many ppl talking on e mic at 1 time
Nice playing with ya too yr sniping skill is so much better den me
Re: Application For Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:36 pm
by bavarianmonkey
So, which part of "please wait 6 months" that Hypra told you did you not get?
I woulda voted for you at that time - but not now! :dance:
Re: Application For Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:14 pm
by TheLostSon
He's gets thumbs up from me. Still needs to work on a few things here and there it sounds like but when i'm on he's like gravy on the turkey =p. Then again i'm just a silly recruit =p
Re: Application For Ev0|u+!On_ R$
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:28 am
by hypra