ELF and his privalages from back in the day!

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ELF_Rijol05 ¦ вlϊтz
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:24 pm
Location: Vancouver WA

ELF and his privalages from back in the day!

Post by ELF_Rijol05 ¦ вlϊтz »

I guess this is to find out if i need to redeem myself of my admin privileges from back in the day since i wasn't online for almost 6 years! hehe....Thanks and happy fraggin!
Posts: 1589
Joined: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:17 pm
Location: Tacoma, WA

Re: ELF and his privalages from back in the day!

Post by Mongo »

Just overlook our rules again. A lot has changed in the years since you have been here. Email me your steam id and a valid email address and I will set you up with basic admin again. After a time I will make it full admin. Once you have readjusted :)

Also once I have made your sourcebans account, request to be added to blitzmember group. that way you can access the rest of the forums.