I can take clips every time you are playing and splice them together and make others think that you spam the mic a lot too. Did you hear any complaints in that video?
Emails? Wow. Now you are really grasping at straws to validate your comment. I have emails that have been sent to my own personal email account from other players bitching about other Blitz members. I usually tell them to take it to the source because I wasn't involved, I'm not an Uber admin, and most of us are adult enough to take it when told that we are fucking up. Feel free to do the same next time.
Thanks for the entertaining video Panda. Glad that you like our server and hope to see more of you in game.
It is okay I will take appropriate action to control spamming in the server. I was not going to make too much of a deal about it but since you seem to have this attitude over me joking with you then I guess I will have to take complaints more serious in the future.
That goes for everyone.
Maybe a smiley face in your post or a LOL the next time you are joking would help. Go back and read those again. How can anyone tell if you are serious or joking from two sentences? I had a smiley in my first post to show that I was joking too but it appears that you didn't catch it. Thanks for turning this into something that wasn't intended.
sorry I will properly post emoticons in the future
Wasn't aware they didn't teach sarcasim in literature in your school.
Thanks for not understanding the english language LOL LOL LOL
that better? :dance: :doh: :liar: :naughty: :shhh: :snooty: