Pure DODs Rip.

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NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ®
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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ® »

holy shit this game does look pretty badass......is it available on STEAM? I think I'll buy it

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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by Duncor »

it's $10 on steam.
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NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ®
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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ® »

DUDE!!!! bought it! and I'm downloading it right now....Gonzo if you buy it lemme know what server to play on and we'll try it out. Thats goes for all you other fucking WHORES if you buy it, we'll let ya know which server to go on in the meantime. That would be cool if we moved blitz to MOH Airborne, the graphics look better at least.

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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by Shakira »

Ohh i want to be cool to
lets all get together and play

fuck this game
DODS rocks
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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ® »

lol AWW come on don't be like that Shakira! I fucking absolutely love DOD as well and I'm faithful to it and Blitz till death but wouldn't it be cool if we had this as well on the side? kinda like a Sancha! for those of you who are spanishly challenged, a Sancha is a woman that men keep in their line up for when they get all pissed off at their girlfriends. YOU FUCK THE SHIT OUTTA THEM AND THATS HOW YOU RESTORE BALANCE TO THE WORLD *. I love your ass by the way Shakira.

* I don't condone this kind of lifestyle lol I'm faithful to my woman but am merely stating a fact of what really happens sometimes in this crazy fucking world we live in

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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ® »

oh shit the only bad thing about this game is I don't think theres an ingame mic feature on multiplayer....hmmmm

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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by Mongo »

I have had this game for a while. There was a reason I stopped playing it. I think there was a very low population for multiplayer. DODs still has tons more players online.
the weapons were good though and it has a single player champaign. I reinstalled it and played for a little last night.
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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by Appleseed »

i played multilayer of that game i don't like the idea of that allys spawn in air while germans spawn at within same building. basically if german have good snipers half of the ally player won't able to reach ground (one time i got sniped 5 times in a row can't reach ground). and if ally are all gathered they can seal the germans in their spawn. and maps are usually pretty dark so it is totally hide and seek game when there is no team work. i don't like the nade launcher act as rocket launcher also it can only host max of 24 players, maps usually big for 24player so u can't see rain of nade in that game. so the game i say only graphic and physics is good, rest dods is better.
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Re: Pure DODs Rip.

Post by NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ® »

hmm yeah I bought the game and shit haha WHAT THE HELL!?!? it friggin' sucks!!!! good thing it was only ten smackers sheesh...theres little to no servers, theres no ingame MIC so you can talk to everbody and just the whole concept is kinda lame. The fucking video trailers make it look better than what it really is....I understand now why dod is the best at this kinda stuff. I'll keep fucking around a bit on Airborne but just for fun.

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