Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Recruitment app and discussion
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Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Post by ArcH*AnGeL »

Player name: e:ArcH*AnGeL :evil: , :twisted:.


What time of the day do you normally play>? Anytime, mornings are good for me as well, I can play any day for now. I have been laid off from work so play more :lol: .

Why do you want to join>:I love the community/people, everyone is just out to play and have fun it seems.

Games you play: DOD, DOD:S, All COD's. except black op's, 4 NOW!! :lol:.

p.s. Keep gaming and hope to hear from you ArcH*AnGeL
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Re: Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Post by Crypt-keeper »

Never heard of you. And you don't have a sponsor.
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Re: Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Post by bavarianmonkey »

Looks like you just started playing on Blitz from what I can tell from our ranks page.

Try playing a little longer and use your mic often, don't be an asshat.

And let me shovel your skull.
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Re: Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Post by Frostbite »

I've never heard of you either
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Re: Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Post by NoA|Fisty ¦ вlϊтz ® »

lol WHO DA FUCK IS THIS FUCKIN' GUY????? :think: :hand:

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Re: Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Post by Appleseed »

LOL dude don't apply to them when they don't know you... LOL
oh i am not one of the blitz because i don't use mic and i play without sound even though i been on the server long enough but i still don't apply since i know i prob be rejected. :roll:
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Re: Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Post by bavarianmonkey »

Appleseed wrote:LOL dude don't apply to them when they don't know you... LOL
oh i am not one of the blitz because i don't use mic and i play without sound even though i been on the server long enough but i still don't apply since i know i prob be rejected. :roll:
Use your mic alot and you'll never know :P
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Re: Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS

Post by hypra »

i have this cool pre made script i usually paste here when i turn someone down.
but i dont feel like getting it. so regarding your application; no
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Re: Recruitment application for Blitz: DODS


hypra wrote:i have this cool pre made script i usually paste here when i turn someone down.
but i dont feel like getting it. so regarding your application; no